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Created by Piehole

Directed by Tara Ahmadinejad
April 30 - May 19, 2017
presented by the New Ohio Theatre

In Piehole's SKI END, an abandoned ski shop becomes the center of the universe. A group of 30-whatever urbanites finds itself stuck in a flood-damaged building with a makeshift skate ramp, dead birds, and the tattered banner of a final blowout sale. From these clues they ritualistically reanimate a bygone world of Ski, until they incite a cosmic force. Rising from the ruins of economic and environmental dread, Piehole’s SKI END examines chronic patterns of apocalyptic despair and what it takes to face The Sublime. 

songs by deepali gupta

SKI END was  supported by the Archive Residency Program, a collaboration between the New Ohio Theatre and IRT.

“…the production, directed by Tara Ahmadinejad at the New Ohio Theater, has a sweet, eccentric charm that’s most powerfully felt when the cast members start singing in unison.” —The New York Times